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communication made easy
3CX ’s easy to use video conferencing solution, 3CX WebMeeting, will enable businesses to save time and money by hosting virtual meetings, whilst enjoying the benefits of face-to-face communication.

3CX Web Conferencing Made Easy
Web conferences can easily be launched through the 3CXPhone client with a few mouse-clicks. 3CX WebMeeting can be used for a wide variety of everyday communication needs to boost productivity and efficiency- for example:
Tip: Use this area to describe one of your services. You can change the title to the service you provide and use this text area to describe your service. Feel free to change the image.
Enrich a standard phone call with video
Visualise a sales pitch with a product presentation
Co-browse and point participants to content on the web
Take control of a participant’s desktop to fix or show something on their computer
Hold webinars with the Virtual Classroom features, including: whiteboard, chat and ‘raise hand’ functions
Hassle Free Web Conferencing with WebRTC
3CX WebMeeting harnesses Google’s revolutionary WebRTC technology, which enables video and voice communications to take place through the internet browser, meaning that participants will be able to seamlessly join meetings without the need to download any additional software or plug-ins.

Easy Setup with soft phone
Holding webinars or video conferences can be a stressful experience, especially when the user faces technical difficulties even just setting up the call. With 3CX WebMeeting, all 3CXPhone users can launch a video conference in a few simple steps:
Switch to the web conferencing tab
Schedule a meeting and add participants
Click ‘Start Meeting
With 3CX WebMeeting, all 3CX customers are automatically licensed to hold web meetings for a low six month or yearly cost, offering excellent value for money.